Followup on the 7th Annual Polyglot Performances

The 7th Annual Polyglot Performances took place on Tuesday, April 8 2014. Below, you will find links to videos of the performances.

1. Opening remarks by Dr. Marjorie Hall Haley, Professor and Director of Foreign Language Teacher Licensure in the Graduate School of Education at George Mason University: YouTube.

2.  Dr. Mónica Mulholland's workshop "The Educational Value of Drama Techniques in Language Learning" YouTube.

3. Portuguese poems. YouTube.

4. "Mean Girls", the Best Short Film" at the 7th annual Korean Learning Students' Short Film Festival. YouTube.

5. Irish jig. YouTube.

6. German short film "Ein seltsamer Vorfall" [A Strange Occurrence.] A work based on Franz Kafka's "Der Prozess [The Trial]." YouTube.

7. Chinese songs and poems. YouTube.

8. Russian play. YouTube.

9. Japanese play "Peach Boy." YouTube.

10. French performances I: Poems, songs and music. YouTube: Part I and Part II

11. Arabic song. YouTube.

12. French performances II: "L'avare" [The Miser], an adaptation of Moliere's play. Songs, poems, music and tam tam. YouTube: Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV.

13. Spanish song and dance. YouTube.

 This year’s event also featured an art exhibit with selected paintings by Nadia Duchelle.

 For more information, contact Dr. Sufumi So,

Links to videos of the previous shows are available at (2013), (2012), and (2011).

 Polyglot Facebook page: